Frege: Wir teilen danach alle Wahrheiten, die einer Begründung bedürfen, in zwei Arten, indem der Beweis bei den einen rein logisch vorgehen kann, bei den anderen sich auf Erfahrungstatsachen stützen muss. Es ist aber wohl vereinbar, dass ein Satz zu der ersteren Art gehört und doch ohne Sinnestätigkeit nie in einem menschlichen Geiste zum Bewusstsein kommen könnte.(Da ohne Sinneswahrnehmung keine geistige Entwickelung bei den uns bekannten Wesen möglich ist, so gilt das letztere von allen Urteilen)--Begriffschrift, Vorwort
S.L: Then the possibility of Logical zombie. Suppose for a certain subject A, whose division of sensibility has been developing in just the same way as normal human being, it might also develop a way of logical thinking, however, it is later entirely lost. After a certain kind of surgery, it acquires a entirely new way of logical thinking from the former one. This latter logical thinking system is just like the kind of system of a computer, or that of a Zombie. Then, the question is, can we say that the subject is a Person, or it is half a zombie and half a person, or it is not a person at all?
S.L: Then the possibility of Logical zombie. Suppose for a certain subject A, whose division of sensibility has been developing in just the same way as normal human being, it might also develop a way of logical thinking, however, it is later entirely lost. After a certain kind of surgery, it acquires a entirely new way of logical thinking from the former one. This latter logical thinking system is just like the kind of system of a computer, or that of a Zombie. Then, the question is, can we say that the subject is a Person, or it is half a zombie and half a person, or it is not a person at all?
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