About Me

I am a PhD student in Philosophy at Peking University, now staying at Universität zu Köln, Germany. My interests are primarily in Philosophy of Mind, Epistemology and Analytic Phenomenology. Now I am working on my Dissertation: Method, Intentionality, and Knowledge--An essay in analytic phenomenology. --------- I also have substantial interest in Early Modern Philosophy, Political Philosophy and Ethics.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Philosophy, Depression, Conservative, Radical

On a conference called Armchair in Flames: Experimental Philosophy and its Critics
A: A survey shows that graduates in Philosophy are more depressed than the Professors.
B: Is it likely that they are more depressed than the graduates in other areas? I think this is likely.

An interesting observation is, the Germans and the senior and established american Philosophers are likely to be more conservative with regard to traditional practices of philosophy, while the new generation of philosophers in America tend to be critical of the tradition. It is likely that I do not have many instances of the established philosophers at this conference, but I actually have more instances that I have so far read.

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