About Me

I am a PhD student in Philosophy at Peking University, now staying at Universität zu Köln, Germany. My interests are primarily in Philosophy of Mind, Epistemology and Analytic Phenomenology. Now I am working on my Dissertation: Method, Intentionality, and Knowledge--An essay in analytic phenomenology. --------- I also have substantial interest in Early Modern Philosophy, Political Philosophy and Ethics.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Knowledge as a Sub-Theme of Intentionality

Well, I first think I am researching into the problem of Knowledge, but I find out that it is not possible to account for knowledge without accounting for Intentionality, because to know something is simply a unique and special case of being in some intentional states. The general structure of Intentionality must also be shared by the mental acts of knowing.

Intentionality is a complex phenomenon, and its analysis requires the clarification of a network of concepts. But the clarification needs to be guided by a method, otherwise it will be chaotic, and one does not know what is a criterion of a satisfactory or adequate clarification.

However, the Method is something that requires a theory of Knowledge, e.g., what is the evidential status of a phenomena, how does eidetic variation function epistemically, how is the essential structure of something known, in this case, the structure of intentionality, etc.

Therefore, I decide to write a very ambitious dissertation on Method, Intentionality and Knowledge, though it is certainly beyond my ability at this stage. The Genesis of the title actually starts from Knowledge to Intentionality and to Methodology. But the dissertation will certainly begin with a methodological introduction, then to Intentionality and Knowledge.

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