About Me

I am a PhD student in Philosophy at Peking University, now staying at Universität zu Köln, Germany. My interests are primarily in Philosophy of Mind, Epistemology and Analytic Phenomenology. Now I am working on my Dissertation: Method, Intentionality, and Knowledge--An essay in analytic phenomenology. --------- I also have substantial interest in Early Modern Philosophy, Political Philosophy and Ethics.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The phenomenological Transformation of Philosophical Question

The question: What is a representation? Becomes a phenomenological question, whose proper form is:

What kind of Intentional Analysis can we give for the concept of REPRESENTATION.

Klärung der Grundbegriffe.

Klärung und Scheidung der vielen Psychologie, Erkennistheorie und Logik ganz und gar verwrirrenden Begriffe, die das Wort Vorstellung angenommen hat, ist eine wichtige Aufgabe...

Husserl uses a method of Intentional Analysis to clarify the basic concepts. Which are quite CONFUSED concepts.

Analyse der Begriffe: Zickzack Weise

descriptive Fixierung der erschauten Wesen in reinen Begriffen (Hua XIX 23)
Analytische Untersuchungen.

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