About Me

I am a PhD student in Philosophy at Peking University, now staying at Universität zu Köln, Germany. My interests are primarily in Philosophy of Mind, Epistemology and Analytic Phenomenology. Now I am working on my Dissertation: Method, Intentionality, and Knowledge--An essay in analytic phenomenology. --------- I also have substantial interest in Early Modern Philosophy, Political Philosophy and Ethics.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Karl Mertens (Würzburg)

Mertens speciality lies in practical philosophy, he is one of the few Lehrstühle in Germany who has strong phenomenological (Husserlian) background.

In this september, there will be a big conference on Phenomenology in Würzburg.

Prof. Dr. Karl Mertens (Lehrstuhlinhaber)

Lehrstuhl II - Praktische Philosophie

Prof. Dr. Karl Mertens
Bayerische Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
Institut für Philosophie - Lehrstuhl II
Residenz - Südflügel
97070 Würzburg

Tel.: +49-(0)931-31-2857 (2859)
Fax: +49-(0)931-31-2855
eMail: karl.mertens@uni-wuerzburg.de

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